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Micron Nylon Filter Bag-NMO75P2P - Micron Nylon Filter Bag-NMO75P2P

Quality Micron Nylon Filter Bag-NMO75P2P manufacture by COX Filter Bag with Competitive Price.

Micron Nylon Filter Bag-NMO75P2P

Buy Cheap NMO75P2P at wholesale prices on COX FILTER BAG FABRIC.

COX FILTER BAG is a manufacturer of high-quality NMO75P2P micron/liquid filter bags at lower prices than the original distributor.
Liquid Nylon Mesh (NMO) filter bags are offered in ratings from 1 to 2000 microns. NMO75P2P select nylon Monofilament filter mesh which is a woven filter material use single nylon filament and the openings are square.Micron NMO filter bags have excellent strength and are considered to be cleanable. Filter efficiency > 90% and more.

We can easily match industry manufacturer standard-sized NMO75P2P filter bags for your required application at a wholesale price.

#2, 75 Micron – Nylon Mesh Liquid Filter Bag, Plastic "P" Flange Ring (NMO75P2P-A)
#2, 75 Micron - Nylon  Mesh Liquid Filter Bag, Plastic "P" Flange Ring (NMO75P2P-A)

Data Sheet #2, 75 Micron - Nylon  Mesh Liquid Filter Bag, Plastic "P" Flange Ring (NMO75P2P-A)    #2, 75 Micron - Nylon  Mesh Liquid Filter Bag, Plastic "P" Flange Ring (NMO75P2P-A)NMO75P2P Micron Nylon Filter Bag-use Reinforced nylon mesh micron/liquid filter fabric in retainer ring area. Effectively captures solid particles at the selected micron bag filter rating. Standard plastic ring is polypropylene.

About Standard Mesh Liquid Filter Bags (Filter Mesh & )

COX Filter Bag Benefits

  • Micron ratings 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 600 up to 2000micron.
  • All industry standard and custom sizes available
  • High flow/low pressure drop media
  • Surface-retention filtration
  • Wide chemical compatibility
  • Sewn construction
  • Handles standard on all bags
  • Choice of steel ring or plastic flange
  • Economical removal of non-deformable contaminants
  • Non-fiber releasing
  • Good removal effiencies
  • Temperature ratings to 350°F
  • Polyester and nylon materials production according FDA regulations.
  • Silicone-free construction

Mesh Bag Materials
Mesh media is woven from threads made of smaller fibers. Bags made from this material are low cost and disposable.

Filter Mesh Mesh is woven from single-fiber threads. The openings are square and uniform. Bags made from this material have excellent strength.

Mesh Bag Styles
Steel-ring bags have a galvanized steel ring (stainless steel also available) sewn into the top of the bag. They are supplied with sewn seams standard.

Plastic flange bags have a specially-designed flange sewn to the top of the bag. They are supplied with sewn seams standard (welded collars available upon request).

Liquid/Micron Nylon Filter Mesh bags have a wide range of retention ratings. The different rates cover many applications with demanding chemical and thermal properties. High-quality monofilament nylon filter mesh fabrics Silicone free media for paint and automotive applications.

COX assure product consistency, quality, and efficiency. All of COX NMO75P2P are designed to fit perfectly as well as conform to OEM specifications.
NMO75P2P Standard plastic/steel/string ring is polypropylene. filter bags are designed for surface filtration where a defined opening is desired to retain particles that are larger than the rated mesh size.
COX manufacture quantities of NMO75P2P liquid/micron filter bags at Competitive Price and We Ship Directly to your warehouse!
Not sure NMO75P2P can work best for your application? Contact COX and we can provide a quote for your exactly needed.

Micron Nylon Filter Bag-NMO75P2P Tags : ,

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