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LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag - LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag

Quality LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag manufacture by COX Filter Bag with Competitive Price.

LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag is an essential component used to control oil spills and mitigate their impact on the environment. Hazardous wastes such as oil and oil-related derivatives can cause severe harm to soil and water bodies, hence controlling them is of utmost importance. The LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag is specially designed to remove oils and other hydrocarbons from waste water streams, preventing harmful contaminants from entering the waterways.

LCR-500 Oil Removal filter bag

Data Sheet LCR-500 Oil Removal filter bag    LCR-500 Oil Removal filter bag

LCR-500 Filter Bags have low initial pressure drop, High efficiency of filtration > 90%. Multi layers of construction enlarge surface area. Oil Adsorption Filter Bags are effective in water, inks, paints (including E-Coat systems), and other process fluids.

Description Size No. Diameter Length Flow Rate Max. Temp Suggested D/P change- out
LCR 500 Filter Bag # 02 7″ / 180mm 32″ / 810mm 25m3/h 80℃ 0.8-1.5bar

LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag has a high absorption capacity, with the ability to absorb up to 15 times its weight in oil. This feature makes it an ideal solution for oil spill cleanups and waste management processes. Additionally, the filter bag is easy to install and handle, further making it a convenient choice for cleaning up small or large spills.
The filter bag has been designed with a hydrophobic outer layer, which repels water, ensuring that only oil or hydrocarbons are absorbed by the bag. The hydrophobic outer layer helps to prevent the filter bag from becoming contaminated with water, enhancing its efficiency in removing oil-based materials. The bag can filter contamination down to 1-micron level, making it the perfect solution for a wide range of applications, including in the petrochemical and industrial sectors.

The design and material of the LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag reduce costs and increase efficiency in oil spill cleanup. Compared to traditional oil absorption methods, LCR 500 filter bags require fewer installation steps, and its single-use design ensures simple disposal of the waste. In addition, the long life span and high oil-absorption capacity of the LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag reduce the number of filter replacements required in one cleanup process. Therefore, the elimination of such replacements results in faster cleanups, with less equipment and fewer personnel required.
LCR-500 Seris filter bag  is a filter bag that works better and installs easier than a filter cartridge.

Bag Description Filter Bag Size Particle Size Removal Efficiency
>90% >95% >99%
LCR-522 #02(7″x32″) 2 3 5
LCR-525 #02(7″x32″) 4 8 10
LCR-527  #02(7″x32″) 6 13 15
LCR-529  #02(7″x32″) 25 28 30

LCR-500 filter bag combined with oil removal capabilities, such filter bags also provide particulate removal at different levels to meet many process requirements.
Oil adsorption filter bag is available in a 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 nominally rated efficiency with several layers of about 600 gram weight meltblown for superior oil adsorption capabilities.

LCR(Bag Material) —-522(Micron Rating µm)—T(Bag Cover Layer)—-02(Bag Sizes)—-E(Coller/Ring type)

Replacement Original Part Number Description Micron Rating @ 99% Bag Size
F5870009 LCR-522-T02Z 2.6 #02(7″x32″) Inquiry LCR-522 Filter Bag F5870009
F5870019 LCR-525-T02Z 6 #02(7″x32″) Inquiry LCR-525 Filter Bag F5870019
F5870029 LCR-527-T02Z 13 #02(7″x32″) Inquiry LCR-527Filter Bag F5870029
F5870039 LCR-529-T02Z 32 #02(7″x32″) Inquiry LCR-529 Filter Bag F5870039

Another advantage of the LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag is its eco-friendliness. The materials used in the filter bag are biodegradable, meaning that once discarded in a landfill, the bag will break down naturally over time. The biodegradable nature of the filter bag helps to reduce environmental pollution, which is a significant challenge in current times.

The LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag has been laboratory tested and meets EPA regulations. This test verifies that the filter bag is reliable and efficient to use. With the regulatory body standards enhanced over the years, the filter bag is guaranteed to meet even the most stringent requirements of environmental regulations.

In conclusion, an LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag is essential in managing oil spills and preventing contamination in the environment. It is an efficient, cost-effective, and eco-friendly solution that can absorb oil and hydrocarbons from waste water streams. The filter bag design ensures easy installation and operation while meeting the highest efficiency standards. The filter bag is available in different sizes, making it suitable for various applications. Its hydrophobic outer layer ensures that only oil and other hydrocarbon-based materials are absorbed, ensuring that water remains clean. LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag is the perfect solution for taking control of environmental pollution caused by oil spills.

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One response to “LCR 500 Oil Absorption Filter Bag”

  1. Jennifer says:

    Greetіngs receive the bags. Very helpful for us.
    Mаny thanks for your cooperation

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