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Врећа за филтер од полиестера - Polyester Filter Bag

Quality Polyester Filter Bag manufacture by COX Filter Bag with Competitive Price.

Needle Polyester filter fabric and Полиестер филтер врећа has a higher melting point than Polypropylene fabric which is the ideal for hot oil and other applications up to 300° F. Polyester filter bag is generally compatible with most fluids except those that are strongly alkaline or strongly acidic.

Материјал: Needle Polyester filter bag
Weight: 400GSM~550GSM
We’ve organized the catalog pages for Polyester Filter Bags by bag size. All filter bags are sold in box quantities. Samples are available by request by send our email or phone to us.
The advantage of the polyester filter bag are high prosity good permeability anti-acid anti-alkali and the polyester filter bag have good resistance to abrasion. Ltd can producethe filter bags of all kinds of model specifications. And also can produce fold type cartridge filter core and so on. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any question of our products.
Polyester filter fabrics and filter bags are submitted by our listed stores.
Polyester Filter Bags are available with both metal and plastic sealing rings. The ring material is important not only for chemical compatibility, but also for disposal purposes. If the bag is going to be disposed of by incineration, it’s important that the ring be plastic, and not metal.
Big produciton capabillity can meet many of our customer’s weekly container’s demand, are popular arround Europe, aisa and south and north America.

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2 responses to “Врећа за филтер од полиестера”

  1. nbia says:

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  2. Omibi says:

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