25 micron Polyester(PE) Felt Filter Bags NMO50P4S ★ NMO-1-P4-P ★ NMO1P1SS ★ NMO1P4S ★ NMO-10P5SS ★ NMO75P5S ★ NMO-125-P5-P ★ NMO-200P3-S ★ NMO5P6SS ★ NMO-20P6-S ★ 25 micron Polyester(PE) Felt Filter Bags, with sizes of 1# 7*17", 2# 7*32", 3# 4*9", 4# 4*15", 5# 6*22" and other sizes , both welded and sewn(stitched) bag are […]
25 micron Polypropylene(PP) Felt Filter Bags NMO-25P3-P ★ NMO-50P5P ★ NMO-125P4-SS ★ NMO25P2S ★ NMO-150P6-S ★ NMO1P1SS ★ NMO-5P5SS ★ NMO-100-P2-SS ★ NMO-10-P6-P ★ NMO75P6SS ★ 25 micron polypropylene(PP) felt filter bags, with sizes of 1# 7*17", 2# 7*32", 3# 4*9", 4# 4*15", 5# 6*22" and other sizes , both welded and sewn(stitched) bag are […]
200-250-300-400-500 micron NMO Nylon Mesh Filter Bags NMO-1-P3-S ★ NMO-20P2SS ★ NMO-1P3-P ★ NMO-125P2P ★ NMO50P6P ★ NMO125P6S ★ NMO50P4SS ★ NMO-10-P1-S ★ NMO-5P3S ★ NMO-20-P5-SS ★ COX 200-250-300-400-500 micron NMO Nylon Filter Mesh filter bags, in sizes of 1# 7*17”(180*430mm), 2# 7*32”(180*810mm), 3# 4*9”(102*230mm), 4# 4*15”(102*420mm), 5# 6*22”(152*559mm) and other sizes, are used for […]
50 micron Polyester(PE) Felt Filter Bags NMO-100-P2-S ★ NMO-200-P5-SS ★ NMO200P2S ★ NMO-20P5-SS ★ NMO-25P4SS ★ NMO50P6SS ★ NMO-25P2-SS ★ NMO-50P4S ★ NMO-5P1-P ★ NMO-10-P6-SS ★ 50 micron Polyester(PE) Felt Filter Bags, with sizes of 1# 7*17", 2# 7*32", 3# 4*9", 4# 4*15", 5# 6*22" and other sizes , both welded and sewn(stitched) bag are […]
500-600-800-1000 micron NMO Nylon Mesh Filter Bags NMO-5-P1-SS ★ NMO-50P3-P ★ NMO-5P3-SS ★ NMO-50P1S ★ NMO-20-P1-S ★ NMO-75P4SS ★ NMO-10-P3-P ★ NMO-150-P6-SS ★ NMO-75P2-P ★ NMO-75P6S ★ COX 500-600-800-1000 micron NMO Nylon Filter Mesh filter bags, in sizes of 1# 7*17”(180*430mm), 2# 7*32”(180*810mm), 3# 4*9”(102*230mm), 4# 4*15”(102*420mm), 5# 6*22”(152*559mm) and other sizes, are used for […]
25 micron NMO Nylon Mesh Filter Bags NMO-1-P4-S ★ NMO-25-P2-S ★ NMO-25P3SS ★ NMO-5P4P ★ NMO-150P2-P ★ NMO-5P1P ★ NMO-50P3-SS ★ NMO-50P6P ★ NMO-150-P6-P ★ NMO-5-P5-P ★ COX 25 micron NMO Nylon Filter Mesh filter bags, in sizes of 1# 7*17”(180*430mm), 2# 7*32”(180*810mm), 3# 4*9”(102*230mm), 4# 4*15”(102*420mm), 5# 6*22”(152*559mm) and other sizes, are used for […]
1 micron Polypropylene(PP) Felt Filter Bags NMO-1P4P ★ NMO-50P6SS ★ NMO-10P3-P ★ NMO-125-P6-P ★ NMO-100P3-P ★ NMO-200P3SS ★ NMO200P4SS ★ NMO-10-P4-S ★ NMO125P5SS ★ NMO75P6S ★ 1 micron Polypropylene(PP) Felt Filter Bag, with sizes of 1# 7*17", 2# 7*32", 3# 4*9", 4# 4*15", 5# 6*22" and other sizes , both welded and sewn(stitched) bag are […]