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Archive for April, 2023

50micron PP Filter Bag

Manufacturer/factory/supplier of 50 micron Polypropylene(PP) Felt Filter Bags NMO-125-P4-S ★ NMO-10-P6-S ★ NMO-100P3-S ★ NMO-1P6SS ★ NMO-100P1-S ★ NMO-50P5SS ★ NMO-10-P4-SS ★ NMO-10P4S ★ NMO-50-P1-P ★ NMO-50-P3-S ★ 50 micron Polypropylene(PP) Felt Filter Bags, in sizes of 7*17", 7*32", 4*9", 4*15", 6*22" and other, both stitched and welded bags are available, are specially used in […]

1250-1400-1600 NMO Nylon Filter Bag

1250-1400-1600 micron NMO Nylon Mesh Filter Bags NMO-125P1-S ★ NMO-125P6-S ★ NMO5P4S ★ NMO-200P5S ★ NMO-25P3-S ★ NMO-100-P6-S ★ NMO-25P5P ★ NMO-1-P6-S ★ NMO-50P2-SS ★ NMO5P2P ★ COX 1250-1400-1600 micron NMO Nylon Filter Mesh filter bags, in sizes of 1# 7*17”(180*430mm), 2# 7*32”(180*810mm), 3# 4*9”(102*230mm), 4# 4*15”(102*420mm), 5# 6*22”(152*559mm) and other sizes, are used for […]

75micron PE Filter Bag

75 micron Polyester(PE) Felt Filter Bags NMO-100P5S ★ NMO5P4SS ★ NMO-25-P4-P ★ NMO20P3S ★ NMO5P1P ★ NMO-125P6SS ★ NMO-20-P3-S ★ NMO10P3SS ★ NMO-5P2S ★ NMO-125P5-P ★ 75 micron Polyester(PE) Felt Filter Bags , with sizes of 1# 7*17", 2# 7*32", 3# 4*9", 4# 4*15", 5# 6*22" and other sizes , both welded and sewn(stitched) bag […]

Sugar Filter Bag

Sugar Filter Bags manufacturer NMO-25P6-SS ★ NMO-75-P6-S ★ NMO75P4S ★ NMO-75-P3-SS ★ NMO50P3SS ★ NMO-25P2-P ★ NMO-200-P5-SS ★ NMO-200P1-S ★ NMO-20-P4-SS ★ NMO-100P1-S ★ Sugar Filter Bags, COX 100-200mesh, 1, 5, 10 micron PP filter bags are specially for sugar and syrup filtration. 5 micron Nylon filter sock ★50 micron Nylon filter sock ★1 micron […]

100micron PP Filter Bag

100 micron Polypropylene(PP) Felt Filter Bags NMO-200P1S ★ NMO-10P2-S ★ NMO-150P6-S ★ NMO-150P2SS ★ NMO1P4P ★ NMO-150P5SS ★ NMO50P3S ★ NMO-125P2S ★ NMO-125P3S ★ NMO-25-P2-S ★ 100 micron polypropylene(PP) felt filter bags, with sizes of 1# 7*17", 2# 7*32", 3# 4*9", 4# 4*15", 5# 6*22" and other sizes , both welded and sewn(stitched) bag are […]

75micron PP Filter Bag

Manufacturer/factory/supplier of 75 micron Polypropylene(PP) Felt Filter Bags NMO1P5S ★ NMO-50-P2-S ★ NMO25P4S ★ NMO5P5P ★ NMO-5P2-SS ★ NMO-200-P5-P ★ NMO-125P3-P ★ NMO-5P2SS ★ NMO-10-P2-SS ★ NMO-150P2SS ★ 75 micron Polypropylene(PP) Felt Filter Bags, in sizes of 7*17", 7*32", 4*9", 4*15", 6*22" and other, both stitched and welded bags are available, are specially used in […]

100micron PE Filter Bag

100 micron Polyester(PE) Felt Filter Bags NMO-75P1-S ★ NMO-10-P4-SS ★ NMO-5P5-SS ★ NMO-100-P4-S ★ NMO25P3SS ★ NMO-200P6-SS ★ NMO-1P6-SS ★ NMO-125P4-S ★ NMO5P4S ★ NMO-1P1S ★ polyester(PE)felt filter bag 100 micron, with bag size 1#, 2#,3#,4#,5# and other sizes, both welded and sewn or stitched bag are available, special for liquid filtration, solid-liquid separation. nylon […]


Filter Fabricfilter bagผ้ากรองپارچه فیلترpolyester filter bagfilter platnoръкавен филтърfiltračná tkaninaผ้ากรองฝุ่นkain filterce inseamna filtru acrilicfiltračné tkaninyfilterstofPETフィルターkain filter pressporszűrő szövetالبوليستر السائلفیلتر پارچه ایถุงกรองของเหลวבד סינוןtestinghttps://filterbagfabric com/bg/micron-filter-fabric-micron-filter-bag html01640 filterbagfabric comکیسه استومی language:enмешок F5873409фильтр мешок тканныйхарактиристики материала nomex для рукавных фильтров9624461681finea1p페이퍼필터 25마이크론PET フィルタープレスMALLA 100 MESH NYLONMALLA DE NYLON MESH 100دیتا شیت کیسه های فیلترกรองไนล่อน1 mikron filter bags1 mikron filtre bag1 micron polyester filter bagsNomex Filter Fabric